and putting the legislation on the ballot unmeanwhile is not good voters have to work they can't readages and pages like a new york city for the purpose book. so it overwhelms voerlts and discourages turnout. so it's important to me open both sides from the small business owners we need to go thereto deliberation process involving all the stakeholders and clearly craft legislation and not rush a measure to the ballot in the closings weeks of july. i guess you know, i don't have is a problem with it but i want to make sure i put the point of concern out there because i think from my prospective the public is better served if we do this there the regular legislative process. i'm happy to move forward and be supportive of the measure but i wanted to make sure you understood where i was coming from and my constituents as well >> first of all, supervisor bead i appreciate that. this is your last remaining concern and you're not the first person who said it should go through this process. this is american people issue i do think would be helped with public discussion and public debate and p