and we've had some decisions made, unmentioned one earlier, concern north korea.ularly, that raid in yemen, which we discussed a few weeks ago. where it wasn't clear that there was sort of clear pathways to regular order, with the right kind of advice and legal counsel. >> this morning, david, a senior russian official is suggesting that the decision of mr. flynn to resign or be fired, whichever you choose to believe was meant to damage the relations between u.s. and russians. i even heard the phrase "russiaphobia." does that make sense to you? >> you know, compared to what we've learned in the past few months, gayle, about what the russians did during the course of the election. the disinformation campaign. the russian intelligence agncies stepping in to steal e-mails and make them public. it strikes me that this would be a pretty small contributor to overall relationships. >> just quickly, david, you write about north korea in "the new york times" today about why this missile test is significant in part because these missiles provide little advance warning if we