rough low, you gave several criteria, how it affects dates really to raise revenue and whether to unmoor you know, the funding from users, what's the effect of that. but a deeper question is how we politically proceed. some suggested that we were more likely to get the funding which i think we all agree in this room, mostly in this room agree it's necessary, maybe through tax reform, through an omnibus bill, through some other vehicle, some larger legislation rather than stand-alone. rather than a straight highway legislation. the need to fill the gap in the trust fund is clear, but sometimes it's easier to address revenue questions in the context of larger legislation. so could any of you sort of give us advice here on what's the history? my recollection is that increases in the gasoline tax in the past are part of larger bills. it's not just straight highway. so could some of you all -- maybe i'll start a little bit with, you don't have a -- i don't have a lot of time here -- >> you can have -- >> jack, why don't you go ahead, kathy, why don't you go next. >> thank you, mr. chairman. y