they make it seemed unobtainable. -- seem unattainable. >> despite low prices, many properties remain unsold. there's a reason why many prospective buyers are rejected by banks. three hours later, they call my clients and offer them a loan of 200,000 euros instead of 150,000. in the end, they sell them apartments owned by the bank. a total of 700,000 homes better currently on the market in spain -- a large number of them belong to banks. >> the 70-day olympic torch relay was carried across london's landmarks today, dashing street, shakespeare's globe theater. -- downing street, shakespeare's globe theater. it ended up being lit at buckingham palace by prince william and his wife. >> prime minister david cameron said the olympic torch brought communities together to convey the spirit of the olympic games. the celebration will culminate after the opening ceremony on friday. >> london's narrow roads and creaking subways are spelling transport headaches during the olympics. but some have found solutions to the problem. he has installed eds so his colleagues can sleep at work -- bed so his