we have not performed any unpermitted or suspended permitted work. this is supported by dbi inspectors. and this claim was misrepresented by ms. gallagher in her claim in that she credited special inspections to work, that should have been under a permit but those were in fact inspections of work that is cleared to proceed. second, arguments that were not performing special inspections, her latest detail related to the qualifications of mr. forester, our resident engineer, mr. forester is not in fact performing special inspections, he is performing daily inspections. he is our on-site eyes. whenever a special inspection, as required under the building code, for life, safety, or building related structural issues, are either performed by our on-site certified structural engineer who stamps the drawings, or by a person who is certified through our material testing lab. she continues to argue about the pathways at the summit. this is actually work that is permit exempt. it was discussed at the first hearing. and, you know, we do intend -- i did want to