you are getting thecep the sense thu have a lot of product coming out. 16 vehicles coming out, unprecedenced by an automaker, but i hear you people are working like dog, never worked harder in your lives. is this true, and can you keep the pace up? >> future product development will help. the big bang theory with the product launching, it's a great thing to experience. as we go forward, yeah, more resources will be the key there. >> we'll have the resources where they need to be at the right time in the period. we now start to redeploy people to where they need to be on the next future product coming. if there are more future actions, we'll have a few people back to work on that. >> we couldn't continue to be the first and last in the office anymore because you would be in the office 24/7. at any given point someone is in the office from my team and your team. the management style changes to empower people not to tell them what to do. right? i trust you to do the job. go with it. let me know if there's a problem. it let's us go home at 8:00 versus midnight. >> i gather the 16 projects were a