rendering the future frightening and exhilarating but above off unpredetectivable. where there is uncertainty there is also hope and choice and room for faith in ourselves. i believe we're just getting started on this planet. nobody knows the odds of our being able to november gait the evolutionary obstacles before us, but there is a real hope and it is this. that our evolving technologyical capacities can allow to us maximize our innate social prowess, equipmenting is to meet the threat wes have created and become something new process. we have done this before. that's it. thank you. >> nicely done. this is a great book. i really recommend you buy it and read it. i at any time get to the final paragraph before i got here, but i am taking these little minuscule notes when i'm reading the book. it's cool little phrases that are real fun. it's very clear that he had ample time to right this book and i know this because i hired david in my previous job as that museum's first tourator of astro biology, and it was a bold hire because the collection was very small. the st