it's unfortunate, it's sometimes unpreventible, but it does happen. here's the situation as i read it. it occurred. whether or not -- we have a property owner who is not educated or sophisticated -- this is not an insult, by the way -- me, too, by the way. here's a property owner, and they own their house. they're happy to own it. they don't know about what happens during construction on san francisco's sandy land. and suddenly, they wake up one day, and i wake up one day, and i look over there, and i say whoops, you know, my ceiling fixture is separating from my ceiling. and i go gee, what's happening here, and then, i find out, etc., etc., etc. now, clearly, the -- clearly, it seems, that the fault is with the next door property developer who, i'm not going to call them negligent, but i will certainly find them responsible, that caused the undermining. what is a property owner to do? please identify what -- for the appellant, regardless of what we find tonight, please tell the appellant, based on a clear -- a problem which has clearly affected them