inevitably they seek the unquencable, what they have is significant, what they don't is what truly mattersthem. that is why another chance drives them forward. >> quick, quick, quick, come on. >> my hopes are to have a great celebration afterwards, shutting these guys up. and knocking him out, manny can do it, he put him down four times and i think he can keep him down this time. >> i want an impressive win for this fight. i want to prove to all the people who have doubts in the last three fights. >> the diagnosis was pneumonia, which he beliefs he contracted on a plane. he turns 73 this past july. at an age when many men may slow down, he thrives on what the corner gives him. it's there, he sees what others can't, it's there, he watches over the boy he turned into a champion. even as marquez is nearing the ending of his days in the ring, he recognizes that his trainer will stay where he is. it's at the heart of what has driven them all here. whether it's another win. another chapter. another challenge. inevitably they seek the unquencable, what they have is significant, what they don't is