it states in the first sentence that documents and other materials that are not records, quotes, unquotas defined by the administrative code in section 8.1 may not be retained, but 8.1 does not say anything about not being retained it says that everything must be retained. and that it must be according to 3 different categories. they are specific, they are current records, and there are storage records, or permanent records, there is no such label as essential records. so, a lot of what you see here in this records retention policy is embellished when you read that administrative code 8.1. and i would strongly ask you to refer to that and apply what is going on here and what was said to be or needed to be retained or not. and now, there is a question as to whether it public records with regards to city records verses, external records needs to be retained, and section 8.1, after the end of section 8, let me see if i can find it we will just par phrase, it does specify that the documents that are pertaining to the business of the department. internal, external, it does not matter what form