he was see as an unreconstruct unflching new deal liberal.e was,as al was just sayin,st one of the grt compromisrs. always wanted t get something and then try to make it better lat, which belies thats caricare. and ws someone who sawast the tradition ideological labels that peop wore. i think and like churchill in a way i think because always understood that this mornng's enemy might be toight's ally. andf you grew up in the legislative body, you build colitions from issue to issue. so you really can't affo if u are going to be a master leglator to cut pople f on one issue becse you're robably going to need them in two hrs on something else. >> rose: republicans, al. in some cases there we deep friendips. orr hatch being one. >> yeah. hn mccain being other. b when john mccn got the profile in courage ard ten or so yearst ago, he never forg thatted kennedy threw a sprisew birthday rty for john's th 11-year-old son. lindseyen graham came t congrese thking that tedennedy was thencarnation of everything, of everyiberal evil andgrew to he enormo r