. >>> you have a corporate culture of corruption, and you have an unregulated monnolly, that operatesswitzerland which has the most lacks laws on the books and there is no accountability. and i think that's why you end up with the u.s. government going after fifa, because they're the only boys on the block big enough, and anti corruption laws, that the u.s. government has put in place are meaningful they're tough and they they have a long reach. i think that, what you have to look at right now is how do you actually bring accountability into that institution? >>> there's one way. >>> you need the members and whistleblowers, to come forward and, provide meaningful information, new information, to the proper authorities and the best way to do that is through the u.s. anti fraud regime of laws which provides confidentiality and rewards for providing original information and can result in true accountability. >>> let's move onto other news, defense chiefs, from 26 countries, and tensions rise over the south china sea, and the u.s. ash carter criticized clean na. >>> a underwater rock into