this brick footing on miss calderahead's building and there was a blow out in two places this unreinforced ma sonry, foundation was made to act like a retaining wall for something that is never designed to do and there were two blow outs of this wall underneath the building, and this is from the current shoring plan, and they are doing very little to stabilize this wall and the only thing that they are proposing to do is put a little concrete up against the bottom of the wall, but they are not addressing the issue that due to the excavation, dropping the grade down, that they are turning this into a retaining wall with no steel in it and we are going to have other blow outs causing further damage to the calderahead building and i will yield to mr. shadian. >> general board and my name is sadian and i am the structural engineer, and i am here to present the building at 3040 jackson street. and who has maintained my services to prepare the construction to repair the damage that occurred as a consequence of the excavation of the adjacent property at 3032 jackson. and we are requesting today that the b