per day that was created because as mentioned in the belief dispatching companies are becoming unresidential in san francisco and part of that problem was duce due to companies that refused to improve the dispatch or motivate the drivers or anyone affiliated outside of downtown in the hate or wherever to pick up customers we were saddled about 11 or 12 numbers in the phone call book all leading to 10 separate dispatchers none were reliable or not all but a lot not viable for the consumer to pick up the phone and perhaps get a in the alphabet and call american dispatch and there's nothing there you know there's no one able to pick them up that ruins the integrity of the system t the district is in in question a the industry has to fight back, yes american and many other companies have to adapt no. you can't wait thirty years to adapt it needs to be adapted relatively quickly this is a 3 year process here during do start at this level the roll didn't change in (201) 313-1415 you must elevate yours to this level some dispatches have not pshgd some consolidated we center haven't the use of fly w