said they have fixed the problem this caused thousands of checked bags to go unscreened at phoenix airport yesterday. 3,000 budgets were supposed to be on airplanes, instead, sat in this parking lot. t.s.a. said a computer glitch derailed the automatic checked bag scening system and the average said they are working on screening the behalves, getting them on planes and reuniting them with the owners. >> we have had sinkhole recently, and look at this one, in southeast london. you can see it nearly swallowed the blue car, literally hanging by the two front wheels. this happened yesterday morning, crews had to use the crane to pull the car out and the driver is okay. he said he is the car with him. >> researchers in baltimore are suggesting that good cholesterol is not the end all and be all for preventing heart disease. hdl cholesterol is often called the good cholesterol and believed to help guard against heart disease. however, a new study said that the recollection we get from hdl depend on the level of two other fats in the body. they found that levels of ldl cholesterol were a bigger i