more money is coming into unseasoned equities. as it comes in, this and a few others are making a -- some of the stocks are short covering. i point to renren. but we have had this return. then top that off with the facebook filing. and that has created quite a bit of interest. looking back at some of these ipos that have not traded well and trying to adjust the pricing for these ipos relative to facebook. >> as somebody who has analyzed these, are there some ipos that should justly be valued. not along the lines of facebook because it's a unique situation. but that should be levitating higher to go towards the valuation of a facebook? >> yes. i think that many of the ipos has been unfairly punished. they performed poorly overall until we started this year. so we would look at renren. when it became public in april, the range was $9 to $11. i wouldn't be surprised to see it -- when we analyzed it we saw that might be somewhere around $9 could be possible for trading in the stock. and that would get it to a multiple of a fast-growin