kindness.and unsecharacter. 3 night we're lighting thisisear'community service honoe.byg lives one at a tihe sayayhi tivavava is seeihehe itudud e eh rson's esfo21's aha morales ings us randy tata@ y.. aiai. 3 randy workwith theolorado springs n-ofitlere m. s wantedhelp.. a since -1heivenhe orgaios ti his heart. t sot: (randy sirotaececmorerehan a meal/ sec "t(ey'r'r judgdgg thecse they're with the rings is gog toip better...he's going toelp e church. an's ararthe church is about." it's's typical saturury y morning for ( (ndsiro/d)rector r thaalal10 nd as a ity at our resolvtongeople thatatre getti back into jobs..geing g ck ..tting ba i io mes. inin2 sayayayhenew his missioiowas hel hers...that's he hear or meal...t: sctorore thth al/ 10 se: : t a g g a a away he comomomtytypeop whare in need ananying to get backhossnene vey.ev mor a aeaeaserves over le o o oaveragver n thousa a ae legacy wesyan church i corado sprgs. sot:ndy sisitatototohan n / 10 3ecwhenene ha us theirtoriesf success.. ere t(ey've got a job.. theye got a r fi they c c go toork.. anthey can alep i