the most bitter attack and the loss of faith somewhere in the depth of my soul and absolutely unshaven unshakable faith remained impervious to all the terrible things that have happened to people. although we cannot see it with our eyes this must, must all have a meaning. >> join me. [applauding] >> and if i might am going to start of the question and answer to our firm with a question to all of our readers this afternoon. some of these documents perhaps resinated with your experience or perhaps even surprised you given your experience. i was wondering if there are a few of the panelists it might want to briefly comment on that for the audience to today. >> one that i read. it talked about six and seven year-old children not understanding what was happening but really understanding deep down that something was happening. it reminded me of my experiences. i was in the first grade in public-school, and i just hated because the children were constantly making fun of me, and i wasn't quite sure why they were making fun of me. but later on i realize that it was because i was jewish. then i remembered