so the majority of the homeless pay youth lived outside or 80 percent were unsheltered and 14 percent were sheltered. this number increases for unaccompanied homeless youth undered age of 18, 93 percent live unsheltered and i think that we should note that the demographics were overwhelmingly male. and white male. in this particular count. 72 percent were male, and 41 percent of that 72 were white, and 20 percent, or 26 percent identified as lgbtq. but, what we found astonishing in this particular count was that 71 reported that they were unemployed. 57 percent received some type of a jail, government assistance, and 25 percent reported a history of foster care. and as devon mentioned earlier, 25 percent has not completed high school or gotten a ged. and so homelessness crosses all barriers. 18 percent were on probation, or on parole and 16 percent indicate living in san francisco at the time that they became homeless. so i notice that some behavior health issues here but margo from dph will go into a little bit more information about that. but 27 percent experience chronic depression