we, for the good of thy soul and for a penance that may wipe out thy sin and bring thee finally unspotted to the throne of grace do condemn thee to eat the bread of sorrow and drink the waters of affliction to the end of thy earthly days in perpetual imprisonment. perpetual imprisonment. am i not then to be set free? set free, child, after such wickedness as yours? what are you dreaming of? give me that writing. light your fire. do you think i dread it as much as the life of a rat in a hole? my voices were right. joan! joan! yes, they told me you were fools and i was not to listen to your fine words nor trust to your charity. you promised me my life, but you lied! you think that life is nothing but not being stone dead? it is not the bread and water i fear. bread has no sorrow for me and water no affliction. but to shut me from the light of the sky and the sight of the fields and flowers, to chain my feet so that i can never again ride with the soldiers nor climb the hill to make me breathe foul damp darkness and to keep from me everything that brings me back to the love of god when your