prophesied his role as a heale then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. then will the lame leap like a deer and the mute tongues shout for joy. across from the synagogue are the ruins of simon and peter's house. after his death it becamea meeting place for followers, one of the world's first house chuhes. here on the city of galilee, jesus performed 2 extrodinary miracles, both prophesied severatimes in the old testament, psalms said he would calm the storm, rule the raging of the sea, walk on the wings of the wind. book of job even predicted he would tread on the waves of the sea. hundreds of years earlier, isaiah had written the jewish messiah would also be a light to the gentiles. >> miracles happen and the awareness grows. he understands himself first of all to be sent to the lost sheep the house of israel, not to the gentiles. he is going to focus on israel. >> jesus met a gentile woman asking him to heal her gentile woman. >> can i even just have a crumb? you have so much to give jesus stops, what this woman says i arrests him and says this underst