patents including the electric railway and of course, the labeled that followed 1,000 unsuccesessfulpts and a a reporter asked him how does it feel to fail 1,000 mes? he said i didn't. the late fall was an invention wi 1,000 steps. that is grit it is great we li in a wealthy country with the welfare state so big we worry about for people getting fat but what makes most people happy is not comrt but earned succs the struggle for the opposite of berndt success is learned helpssness and experiment whe good things occurred that were not burned like nichols coming onslaught machines it did not increase people's well-being but it produced helplessness and people gave and became passive. that passivity is a threat to our future. everybody goes through pain and loss a struggle to overcome the about to happiness and prosperity and that is our show. thank you for watching. a paid advertisement for starvista entrtainment and time life's music collection. these are songs about real life... songs about love... songs that come straight from the heart. ♪ here you come again ♪ ♪ just when i've begun