on election night, think about this -- unsury, on the night benghazi broke, how much time was devoted to the day after the benghazi attacks helm much time was devoted to mitt romney? nine minutes 26 seconds. how much time was devoted to barack obama and their handling of benghazi? 28 seconds. how is this and a semblance of objective journalism? there were so many of these scandals on raveling. obamacare. never mind what you think of obamacare it is scandalous to see the results of obamacare given what the american people were promised. we were promised the reit wouldn't go up. we were promising it wasn't when the cost more than $907 million. what is it now? 3 billion raising. we were told to keep your own health insurance. guess what? you are losing it. on and on things that were promised isn't so. that is the signature policy issue of the obama administration. you show me where the covered that issue. you can't. obama wins and the next day the campaign continues. the media campaign for barack obama hasn't stopped. think about it. look at the scandals today. then once you and ask your