but they had never won a national championship untii yesterddy.he celebration started rightt after the game ended.here's a picture of the team... holding the trophy on the field in foxboro.it was sent to us by a loyola employee... and one of the team's biggest pans. really?more oney? money?what is it that s prompting them to just ask for mooe money?" money?"the agencc that's noww asking you.. .to help foot &psome of their ills bills 3 ((break )) storm nats nats they say love cannweather any &pstorm... and in this case.... that's exactly what hhppened.a tropical storm beeyl was approaching the shore.just listen to hat wind!a guest who shot this video saas the the couple said their "i then ran for cover as the rain started. ((2-shot toss to weather)) 3 ((ad lib meteorologist))belair greensrpingliberty295895mta 3 3&((traffic reporter ad libs)) 3 3 3 3 there's good news...and bad new. news...gas prrces will ccntinue to go down... but not by much.the reason ehind the d. dip."i would say it's like using a toll road. if you uss a toll road you payythe to