not thank you secretary i'm to take the privilege of chair and ask that we take a ohio gene break untilave - the members on board as we'll have a external candidate that will take will be a half an hour i'm going to ask for certain action items and certainty other items on the agenda we'll defer until the next items the action items i'm calling for us to take up on the agenda are action item 12 action item 15 and action item 16. >> what's that. >> pardon me no, that will be one we'll defer all right. the 3 i cited again action item 1215 and 16 they have a certain immediacy we want to do them while we have quorum also printed in the agenda we'll be going into closed session that session mr. be deferred to the next meeting addressed the discussion items we'll take up whether we have quorum or not so we'll take up the action items to undertake for today so with that general guidance i'll call for the secretary to move to action item 12. >> approval the resolution ordering the 2015 board election for one expiring term and 30 years staff to proceed with the election director dodd. >> you all kn