untilt( 2013 when the supreme court removed that critically important o protection. >> now every timethe vra was renewed under a republican president.w3 nixon in 1974, and '75. reagan in '82 and george w. bush in 2006. every time it was renewed there was a big ceremony for the white house where the president gave a speech about how wonderful the vra was. were those presidents all lying? >> well, it is -- fascinating because i think many people think of the vr arntion as a democrats and piece of legislation passed by lyndon johnson in the hay day of the great society but they've been in passage of the vra but reauthorization as well there's been a strong bipartisan consensus per the voting right it is act in congress, and what is interesting that the voting right it is act has been reauthorized four times even though many of those republican presidents really did not want to reauthorize the act and tried hard to subvert it. first richard nixon with a southern strategy did not want to sign a reauthorization of the vra but forced because of republican moderates in his own party pushing b