. >> they are ununderstandable, not only to you but people like me, i am a lawyer and they are incomprehensibleo me. >> even the police don't understand. she says the kids' lemonade stands violated the law. >> two officers, previous day bought lemonade from them and tipped them. >> in scottsdale arizona, one a person is accused of breaking the property maintenance crime, the crime -- the tree is the wrong kind in the backyard. >> you will be fined $2,000 a day. >> you bought the house partly because of this tree? >> yes. >> but it turned out this tree wasn't on the planning and development list of approved trees. there is a budget of them in the area. >> you point this out to the authorities. they say what? >> let us know who they are and we will fight them, as well. >> stephanie and chuck were fine had for holding bible studies. >> you need a conditional use permit. >> that is tricky, it goes down this road of studies. this could be tension of thousands of dollars. >> and how many people? >> code enforcer and the boss said more than three. >> you have more than three kids? >> i have five. >> f