unusuallyor boys but for women and girls. the first girls cool, which was was essentially devoted to teaching the girls how to read and write. also do sewing, understand the bible and the first teachers were girls who were late teens who had come down from bethlehem, pennsylvania to help start the town here. they had come a few years before the school was officially established. when the school was looking for teachers, they chose older girls who knew how to read and write and may be knew a little map. a teacher would teach until she married, then she might have other duties in the town and a new single sister would take her place. the single sister's building was built in 1785. they did not just live here, they cooked meals here, they would take classes here. very importantly, religious theyity was important and would pray here and have their own services here. on sunday they would join the rest of the convert -- congregation and have a joint service if they lived in the building. you might be sent here around 10, 11 or 12 t