. -- unwilly, but i will leave that to you all. at least one of the suggestions i think was.ay be looking at retired judges, government studies come other entities that are also in this space. with regard to the televised hearings, if there is money for it, absolutely. when we first looked at the issue, i looked at $65,000 per year. we have to make hard choices, we chose not to do that. i am happy to take any questions if you have any. supervisor campos: thank you. the to buy much, and thank you for your service. public comment is closed. in terms of proceeding, we have a resolution before us that as that the board of supervisors in this committee included to take this issue with respect to finding 2, 4, and seven and adjust to reiterate, basically go back to what the findings are, finding no. 2 is stating familiar of the ethics commission to inform us -- and forced task force actions and reduces the effectiveness of the sunshine ordinance. there is a recommendation attached to that of all sunshine ordinance task force actions. the recommendation is to maximize transparency.