we can solve the problem with unxwloimt if we move -- not just to create jobs, but crete the opportunity for jobs. our unemployment rate was 3.8% in august. we've brought that down from the high levels that it was at before, the 6-plus, 7%. the way we did that is that we invested in infrastructure. we made investments that created top paying jobs for people in circumstances in which there was a direct public benefit from the investment. so i'm for job creation. that will get rid of the unemployment. >> let me give you one example, that's a real case study. this summer in north carolina, where they ended up not having extended unemployment compensation, and all of a sudden you had a dramatic drob, dropped almost a full percentage point because people went out and looked for jobs. that sort of matching -- you can't do that with hawaii. if you go around and look at the rest of the country, state by state comparisons, you do see has a dramically lower unemployment rate. >> why should we be concentrating on how to keep people to have an -- it's not as if someone receiving unemployment benefit