updike, of course, did not. so he sends his kharker to stockholm and what does he do but take up on stage his baby granddaughter and give her the last word. so updike, they see you as a successor to uptake. is there some direct chain here that leads to updike and then somewhere else? oh, god, it's so hard to tell. i mean, what did he give but some sort of unbelievable capacity for noticing? i mean, he really noticed the world and it seemed to me when i got the news that what we'd lost was a consciousness that you'll never find another version of it. he knew so much but he could do a face, a gesture, he could describe the things of the world and i... my own taste in prose fiction for those writers-- conrad's one, kipling's another-- who noticed the things the thingyness of the world, the taste, the feel, the touch. not only of another person but of the table, the sidewalk. so it's very hard to know who will step into such vast shoes. but we'll go on wanting, i'm sure, to hear a highly intelligent mind present us