john updike, he has been really great in lending the space.ery cooperative in helping to cut through the red tape. thank you for letting us stand outside of your restaurant. for those of you that do not know about our neighborhood, we have the highest saturation of offsite the licenses in the entire city. take a walk into our neighborhood, there is a liver store on every block, but no worse restores. -- no grocery stores. it poses a tough challenge. hard for our residents every day to not have access to something fresh and affordable. this garden here is one attempt to address that solution. i wanted to bring up another attempt that we see, another of our attempts to address the lack of access, if you come to our offices, we can show you the plan for the grocery stores, the plot of land, but we cannot show you a brochure that wants to move in. everything is said to, we just need a brochure. however, we have approached about 40 and none of them would like to move in to the neighborhood. the main reason that they cite is lackingthat was a stark