of uperlaid, just to kind to now story of my life. charlie: the stories of your life?when israeli, the songs -- the other songs, they were kind of romantic view of it, a love song or break up. this is talk about my dad taking know,concerts or -- you saying i was born in a small town and i lost that state of mind and learned to sing inside of the lord's house. it is specific. hill" is"castle on the about an actual counsel? -- actual castle. ed: where henry the eighth kept his mistresses. "shape of you is getting all of the attention? like --, it is kind of [indiscernible] girl was written, there was an irish folk song that is and we madet i like next to mulligan together and i said i was like a this song, can we make it. times.10 different baby i just want to dance with my pretty little you're my pretty little go away girl ♪ charlie: when you took the year off with your girlfriend, you did it together? ed: yes. charlie dent was it to lose yourself or to find a something? ed: she came to university and did a bachelors degree. fiveas in a university for years and went to