th apparently was deeply upsettinto mr. netta who h st been through flap involving the housspeaker, nancy pelosi, and whether she was adequatelyriefed or accurately briefed about waterboardin >> rose: she acced the c.i.a. of lying. exactly. is he had gone to her and tried to be tactful but basically said to congres "on my watch the won'be any ambiguity, we'll tell you evething you need t know so hear he lrns that for eight years there was a secret counterterrorism proam that the congress hadot been told act and th took place on orders of vch dick cheney. >>ose: not tellingook place on therders of the vice president? >> exactly. so he rushe over to capitol hill. first, he put an end to the program. he rushe to capitol hill and the ne day called essentlly a spial meeting of each of the commites, the house intelligence commite and the senate intelligence commite, told them abt this program, told tm... essentially said we're sorry it wasn't briefe and did mention that thereason it wasn't briefed was that vice president cheney back in