i actually served eight times as gene upshaw's lawyer -- served for a time as gene upshaw's lawyer.has been a long ride. when i look back, it seems time has gone by pretty quickly. it seems like only yesterday when i got here. there have been some interesting moments. we probably have two of the best jobs. i cannot think of a better job in the country that one can have, one, that you get a handsome salary, you get to hang with all of the celebrities, and you have all kinds of other perks. you get to travel the world and meet famous, important people. which is great, but the real pride is getting to work with these young brothers. in my situation, i head up an organization in which is predominantly african-american males. from my the vantage point, these are some great kids. they're growing into men and that is where we are trying to help them to become in the process of all the attention that they get. been vindicated is not possible without them. the first walkout lasted about seven months. the players lost about $500 million. the owners lost over a $1 billion. since then, the amou