how many mass upson scrubs and how many times he ran the car into the curb how many times you have things that you just forgot to do and she wonders what life would be like had that person not been a pothead. the immediate fatality maybe not, but i know a lot of people that smoke and i was in and around the university. you know, it was progress and an opportunity of what it could've been. and it just kind of veered off. >> it saps your motivation and are focusing your attention and your energy. >> i agree with that. i have known people on all ends who are very productive members of society that smoke pot. and i know people that could have been effective members of society that haven't smoked pot. and that is sort of the problem with this is that everyone can pick their anecdote. people tend to think about this. but i didn't want to get too deep on the science. but you have to admit that they're competing studies on all of this. >> new england journal of medicine is the most prestigious journal in the world and these are not right wing individuals at harvard medical school. assuming all of