stirs uptragic past all conflicts. -- old conflicts. carola has a literacy rate of 90%. for decades, it has produced millions of young engineers. cannot persuade them to stay home, because there simply are not enough jobs. today, we look at the skills and the jobs mismatch on a weeklong series. we discover how some are trying to find work in any way they can. >> reaching for opportunity. mohammed is one of karola's pickers.coconumtt but it is not what he expected to be doing after graduating as an engineer. >> there are not that many jobs. i'm just picking coconumts. >> learning new skills is one way that the youth are trying to stay at home. a state that lacks big business and heavy industry, even the best and brightest are having to adapt. the reality of a skilled mismatch is even dawning on those who are yet to venture into the workforce. there are not many jobs in sectors like engineering here. to get work, most of the students will have to accept doing something different or moving away from home. now the government and business are hoping for a new dawn. they are t