. >> today i'm going to be evaluating which of you is best ur nl wei jusastrt.ntrige, itu like we experience in space shuttle launches. >> we look like real astronaut. >> you know that song where they say we don't need another hero, turns out we do. >> you look incredible able. >> i know. >> you look incredible. >> oh my god. >> we're going to up 4g. >> no, we're in the. >> we're going to 4 grks g. >> okay guys, now you're spinning. [bleep]. >> now you're feeling it. >> oh my god. >> you guys are doing great. >> oh my god. >> is this the fastest anybody has ever gone, this is 2g, get ready for 3. god. >> can you touch your nose. >> put your fingers in james mouth. >> the extra vehicle lar activity simulator or eva mimics the effects of working outside the space shuttle in weightlessness. we've got a broken satellite and we need to repair it. >> easy, easy, easy. james, are you coming? oh, something broke, something snapped. >> how do i get to it? >> i mean would that happen in space? would there be a roll of tape somewhere. okay, zero watch. >> whooo. >> oh my g