of the earth was formed from the magical blood of a hero spilled in these places, whose name was ural-batyrot only the opportunity to enjoy the oil wealth. thanks to the urals, a whole wonderful world arose with all its mountains, meadows, rivers and underground treasures, but the main one the legacy of the epic hero ruled life for posterity is the secret of happiness for all people, why did ural batyr become famous that even the mountains bear his name and what do we know about this national hero now? in 1910, the teacher and collector of folk tales, mukhamedsha burangulov, went on an expedition to the orenburg province of poets and scenes filled with the spirit of the mystical events of the past and revealing the secrets of the creation of the world. ancient legends about his social performances were accompanied by jerky sounds the ancient musical instrument dumbara, besides, it was believed that the old melody also had healing effects on the listeners, which, of course, only added to the universal respect for the message. the legend of the sesen so struck burangulovo that he thanked the