commissioner: commissioner m urase? commissioner murase: very different from south, and you end up concentrating a particular group by using that line. >> ok, thank you. i will definitely. so we will plan to come back to the border with august 8 meeting using this process and timeline that we have just outlined, and the next section of the presentation is about. peters, and it is responding to two areas in particular that have come up, but just in case some of audience members are not familiar with the background, i thought i would take a second to provide some context. i think, in march 2010, the board approved a policy that included the development of elementary feeder patterns for elementary schools to feed into particular middle schools, and there would be an initial assignment based on the process. in august, the staff recommended which would feed into which schools, and then in august and september, we received community feedback through lots of different forum s, and based on that, the substitute motion was presented by the superin