seyyed mohsen tabatabai, secretary general of the urban economy scientific association.n is very expensive to transfer the capital and it is not possible with the current capacity of our country's economy. in terms of territory and geography, we don't have any better than tehran in the country, which has all the political, security , social and cultural requirements. the capital is one of the methods that help reduce the risk of earthquakes. moving the capital from tehran can be an opportunity rather than a bit of congestion the population of tehran has decreased and we can think of solutions to deal with the earthquake. obviously, in any country where the population is more concentrated , it suffers more damage from various accidents. morteza hadi jaberi, professor of urban planning faculty, university of tehran. i don't know why in our country some people want to invent the city and ignore all the experience and specialized knowledge of planning. it is among the axioms of the planning expertise that there is no successful experience in the matter of moving the capital