we have short urethras and anatomically the urethra is near the rectum and if you have a uti, symptomsng, pink-tinged urine and foul-smelled urine and pain in the upper abdominal area. call your doctor right away and if it's not treat it had can go to the kidney and become very serious. >> over-the-counter options are not the remedy. >> you do neat an antibiotic. but i do have tips for preventing an urinary tract infection. hydrate very well. that will flush the bacteria out of the bladder. always wipe from front to back, never from back to front so you don't get bacteria towards the urethra. europe eight after intercourse every single time and avoid any products like douchez or sprays or powders. >> other embarrassing problems. i burp all the time, can't control t.especially embarrassing in public. anything i can do to make it stop? this really hps happens? >> definitely a problem. belching is a release of air from the stomach and 7% of the public has severe and bothersome belching. typical problems would be digestive problems, swallowing too much air, having an ulcer or reflex or eas