senators bob [inaudible] peerpal that were in support of the bill sent letter to the senate and governor urgeer her not to sign this bill. as the mayor of [inaudible] i think it is important for us in san francisco, a sitee that has lodge been at the for front of protecting the rights of all people and special the rights of [inaudible] we take a clear stance against this legislation and this resolution will do a number of things. first, it will put the city and the board of supervisors on record as opposing sb 1062 and send a message to governor [inaudible] not to sign 1062 and if she decides to sign it the board of supervisors here in san francisco urges the city to renew the boy caught of arizona. that we call upon city departments to the extent [inaudible] to refrain from entering into any new or amendment contracts for the services of good or contract station izin arizona and will take every step we can to sending [inaudible] review contracts for the purchase of goods and services from comps in arizonas. this resolution would also establish that we as the board of supervisors, that the law