populations who have traditionally been ostracized or kept away from the typical disaster preparedness can urricula. our project is proposing to develop an innovate i've can you remember rim klupl using collectives and community organizers to get folks, around 300 residents, to develop a structure for developing culturally appropriate disaster can urriculum. we believe very strongly this is a project worthy of funding and possible to create some important work and important precedent and we'll keep you updated. i also would like to remind everybody that our next disability disaster preparedness meeting that's open to the public is on november 2nd, so the first friday of november, and it will be in room 421 of city hall from 1.30 to 3.30 pm mraes feel free to call us for access or more information about the meeting. >> thank you, joanna, any public comment? seeing none, we will move on to our -- may i go on? next item, no. 10, the november election, access to information, polling places and voting machines. presentation by gil fox from the san francisco department of elections. hi, welcome. >> thank