it's real as real consequence. >> moderator: ursala rozum, 32nd rebuttal. rozum: this will leave medicare for all is quite indicative of the dysfunction we see in washington which is why we need new leadership, new progressive leadership. the affordable care act is modeled after romney care in massachusetts and was originally developed by insurance come the executives at the company while point. so what i want to hear from our representatives and from my fellow candidates right here is how can we get medicare for all systems that provide health care is a human right and will finally stabilize health care costs? >> moderator: we have a follow-up for each of you, starting with the end maffei, referencing the richard ravitch paul volcker report. features stunning under the new health care level increments of the cut medicare prices for hospitals, skilled facilities, labs and other services over the next 75 years to less than half of the level under the prior law. according to the programs actuaries by the year 2085 in the medicare payment rates for inpatient ho