so prosecutors can't ursue 3 "the bottom line being that in 02, 03, 04, 05 and in 2011, bbbby davis ndresulted in the parrest of bernie fineeat least for he misdemeanor charge of - sexual abuueeinnthe thirr pegree." fine was ffred from syracuueefine was ffred from syracuse laat month.he denies - 33a... date.../ which... will live... in infaay....// áit'sáá... the... 700th attack... on peaal harbor, .../ ááanáá attack... that plunged.../ thee u.s..../ into... world war two. in,... 3 ááoneáá teacher... used thh date..../ to... draw paralllls... between... pearl hhrbor.../ 3 ellicott mmlls... middle - school ...teacher .../ is... also....a major.../ &p with the... maryyand national guard....// áádanáá p ood... returned last ponth.../ frrm -3 afghanistan. "well m glad the peneration before us secured & our freedom and im glad to see this presenttgeneratioo is equally dedicated to maintaining our ountry our -3 freedommour coostitution. " "major woodd.. has done... two -3 tours .../ in....the... near east.. 3 3 the snow isscoming. cominn. 3 get ready... for ... áddlightfulá... áde