the rules that it in fact was responsible for for negotiating and the european commission and ursula vanderlei and her herself have been quite tight lipped about this vanderlei and reinforced today that all e.u. governments should go through the european commission in precursor for curing their vaccines so this is something we haven't heard the end of yet socials in brussels thank you well that's deaths from the corona virus have reached a new one day high here in germany despite an ongoing nationwide lockdown data from the country's public health agency so 1188 related deaths in the past 24 hours and almost 32019 cases it's a little less than the previous peak in mid december but health officials want actual numbers behind. now let's bring in to be escort he's the director of the institute for public health at the famous charlotte a hospital here in the berlin these ever increasing record figures in terms of deaths and infections how are the playing out at your hospital at the sorry. well the charity hospitals is pretty occupied by cope with patients and patients that we normally have at the