anchor: ursula vonda line is in israel as the country looks to wean itself off of russian gas. in recent years, israel has emerged as a gas exporter. for more on this story, david is standing by in brussels. what is she looking to do exactly? reporter: one of the main purposes is to secure different sources of fossil fuels that are not russian and israel can provide that. israel is in focus. interestingly, the first step is to connect israel through the electricit market. that doesn't really help the eu in terms of diversifying, however it's a firsttep to a can bring gas over from theat middle east via cyprus and greece over eu. israel is not a fossil fuel producing powerhouse, however there are vast untapped resourcesn the eastern mediterranean. all of those countries are interested, causing a lot of current conflicts between cyprus and turkey as a look for deposits underwater. the you is positioning -- the eu is positioning itself to get ahead of any discoveries, trying to make sure israel can provide stable and friendly fossil fuels as they look to diversify themselves away