tell us about mr. cecchi. >> he started in this area many years ago. i think one of the things t that stand out about his speech that night at the hall of fame is he gave a lot of principles of education for young people. he said, and earn your keep. don't go into debt. and y to find a way foror your own business to work. >> john darvish is one of -- is the fatather of one of our favorite guests tammy darcars -- 034 franchiseses and recoized for charitable ends of th generosity. what stands about john darvish? >> the organization pports over 3 300 c charitable organizationeach year, which is i incredible just ainsult. i think john mementioned that night that no laws are was built by a rookie but the titanicas bought by professionalals. >> will have to wrap up soon. i wanted to the next one. you and i both like the fact that joh darvish to this d day care is as first paycheck, $2.94? fifinally, m. charito kruvant creative associates international. a leading -- resource in -- assistining companies in transition, to restorere democratatic values. e grew u