canada and mexico would be exempt from the tariffs. the ambassador, when i asked him about it, gave us new information that europe, australia, brazil, argentinasouth korea would also be exempt. i bring this up only, mr. chairman, to note that you and i have felt so strongly, and our colleagues, on a bipartisan basis that real consultation means that we have got to get information so as to be able to do vigorous oversight, and that means getting it certainly well in advance of this morning and 12 hours before the tariffs go into effect. i only make that point because i want to work with you on improving consultation. second point, mr. chairman, i want to direct to the ambassador. ambassador, you're a veteran of the finance committee. and you know that folks here have real differences of opinion. we have pretty spirited debates. i do want to tell you to describe a member of the committee's position, as was the case with senator cantwell, as nonsense is unacceptable to me and i just believe beneath you. so i hope you'll keep that in mind when you next appear before the committee. >> i guess what i was saying is that i disagree with that problem,